Breastfeeding Support

Not only is breastfeeding a loving way to bond with your newborn, breast milk offers the ultimate nutritional support. Nursing your baby is completely natural and reinforces your body’s motherly instinct to nurture.

Breastfeeding support begins before birth

Alaska Family Health & Birth Center offers many resources to prepare you for a successful breastfeeding experience. We offer a regular childbirth preparation class here at the birth center. We also recommend a monthly breastfeeding class led by a public health nurse and lactation consultant at Tanana Valley Clinic.

Immediately after birth, your midwife supports your breastfeeding success by:

  • letting you experience undisturbed skin-to-skin contact between you and baby
  • showing you comfortable nursing positions
  • creating an optimal latch
  • reinforcing baby-led timing for nursing

Your midwife is your guide and support system — you can contact her anytime for additional answers or assistance.