Monthly Archives: June 2012

Baby Asa Benjamin

Mother, Nicole, and father, Shawn, birthed their third son on June 18th at 7:52am. Nicole had a beautiful birth on the birth stool. She has had all of her babies her at the clinic with our midwives. Midwives Kelly and Cori felt honored to attend this peaceful and gentle birth. Baby Asa Benjamin weighed 9 pounds 13 ounces! Shawn, Nicole, and their three boys will be heading back home to Manyly Hot Springs later this week.
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Baby Finnegan

Baby Finnegan was born on June 18th at 1:24am. He had a lovely birth with his mother, father, aunt, grandmother and grandfather. He weighed 8 pounds and 7 ounces. Congratulations April and Joel on the birth of your first baby! MIdwives Dana and Cori were so happy to serve this family in the birth of their new baby.
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Baby Liam

Baby Liam Erik was born on May 31st at 10:14am at the birth center. This was Jennifer’s and Carl’s third baby boy born at the birth center with Midwife Vanessa. She had a beautiful and peaceful water birth. Baby Liam weighed 10 pounds and 10 ounces. Congratulations! Continue reading

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Baby Boy Gabriel

Baby Boy Gabriel was born Friday, June 1, 2012 at 3:45pm to very happy parents Jen and Lucas.  Midwives Kelly Sicoli and Vanessa Jackson were pleased to attend this powerful mother giving birth.  Gabriel weighed in at 6#8 oz.  Congratulations … Continue reading

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