After the Birth

Adjusting to the arrival of a newborn is a very important time in your family’s life — equally as important as the preparation for and the celebration of the birth itself.

The midwives of Alaska Family Health & Birth Center provide you with continued care and support immediately after your baby’s arrival. New mothers appreciate the convenience and comfort of a home visit, along with attentive and personalized support for breastfeeding.

We also provide the following screenings mandated by the state of Alaska:

  • Newborn metabolic (PKU) screening is done at the 24-hour home visit and when the baby is two weeks old.
  • Critical Congenital Heart Defect (CCHD) screening is done at the 24 hour home visit.
  • Screening newborns for diseases that are not apparent at birth allows very early treatment to prevent or reduce physical effects and brain damage.
  • Hearing screening is done at the birth center when the baby is one week old.