AFH&BC Students


Alaska Family Health & Birth Center has three students that are working towards their license.   We are happy to be part of their journey.

Kate Parks has been a part of the Fairbanks community for nearly 20 years.  She is married to local musician and business owner, Dave Parks.  They live in Goldstream Valley with their two children, Ella and Lucien.  Kate had been a practicing doula for 7 years and is a firm believer in the midwifery model of care.  It was her own experience homebirthing her son, as well as attending over 70 births as a doula, that helped her embrace her dream of becoming a certified direct-entry midwife. Kate has been a student midwife with AFH&BC since the fall of 2013. She loves working with the inspiring midwives and staff, as well as the wonderful mothers and babies that come to the clinic for their care. Kate hopes to have her apprenticeship complete in 2016 and continue to serve the Fairbanks community at AFH&BC.

Kluane Tozier is a lifetime Alaskan and a student midwife who attends Mercy in Action College of Midwifery. She was born with Dana and the midwives at AFH&BC in 1993 and is very excited to be trained by, and working with all the wonderful women who are part of this practice. Kluane became interested in maternity care after working for a chiropractor who specialized in caring for women during pregnancy. She started talking to different people in maternity health care and decided to pursue an education in midwifery. Kluane loves to play and teach piano, spend time with her family and younger siblings, travel, eat Thai food, and drink coffee.

Hannah Brown is a recent transplant to Alaska, hailing from Idaho. She is a student midwife at AFH&BC and attends Mercy in Action College of Midwifery, which is run by Vicki Penwell, one of the midwives that trained Dana. Hannah and three of her siblings were born at home. She is excited to be serving the women and families of the Fairbanks area and is honored to assist them in having a wonderful birth experience.