Joy Keller, CDM, CPM

Joy Keller lives on a community farm in Delta and primarily serves mothers also living there by attending their births, either at home or at Alaska Family Health & Birth Center (AFH&BC). She also occasionally fills in for the staff midwives at AFH&BC.

Joy was born at home and was 12-years old when she experienced her first home birth with a midwife. While growing up, she witnessed home births and took every opportunity to study childbirth-related topics while in high school. She taught elementary school children before training to become a midwife.

Joy has always loved and enjoyed nature which has greatly influenced her as a midwife.


  • Apprenticed at AFH&BC from 2005-2006


  • Alaska Board Certified Direct-entry Midwife (CDM)
  • Certified Professional Midwife (CPM) through the North American Registry of Midwives
  • Current Ongoing Certifications: CPR, Neonatal Resuscitation Program, IV and Medications
  • Approved Midwifery Preceptor in Alaska