Home Birth

You are free to choose to birth your baby in the comfort and convenience of your own home. Your midwife joins you there and assists you in creating a home birth experience that is truly your own.

Preparing for your home birth.

If choosing a home birth, your midwife provides the same support and assurance you would receive at the birth center. We begin preparation during your prenatal visits by thoroughly discussing all of your options. We even visit your home prior to the birth to verify directions and required travel time.

Choosing a home birth gives you access to the same benefits of a birth center, only in your own home setting. These include:

  • Freedom to do what ‘feels right’ for you during labor
  • Attentive care to you and your baby throughout labor, birth, and after the baby is born
  • Ample time to labor in your own way, at your own pace
  • Control over who attends your birth
  • The ability to follow your body’s wisdom regarding food
  • Music or atmospheric enhancements (if desired)
  • Access to a birthing tub (a birth tub rental is available)
  • Attentive care to you and your baby throughout labor, birth, and after the baby is born
  • Alert and continuous monitoring to allow for immediate transport to emergency care (if needed)