Monthly Archives: November 2012

Second baby boy born at our new birth center!

Baby Jacob John-Michael was born this evening at 6:23pm.  He was our second baby boy born in the new birth center.  He was born peacefully in the water while his father, grandmother, and midwives Cori and Vanessa observed quietly.  This … Continue reading

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First baby born in the new birth center!

Our first baby was born in the new birth center on November 9th, 2012 at 6:16am.  Baby Daniel was born to parents Chelsea and Samuel with midwives Dana, Vanessa and apprentice Melanie there to help.  This was Chelsea and Samuel’s … Continue reading

Posted in Birth Announcements | 1 Comment

We have moved into our brand new birth center!!

We have finally moved in to our brand new birth center! We are so excited to be in this beautiful new space. Come and visit us! We still have the same business hours. Our new address is 2054 30th Ave, between Lathrop and Peger Rd. Thank you so much to everyone who made it possible! Continue reading

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