Birth Center Care

Because we prepare for your baby’s arrival throughout your prenatal visits, you’ll already know what to bring to the birth center. And, you will have already decided who will participate in your birth.



For your comfort, you can expect:

  • Attentive care to you and your baby throughout labor, birth and after the baby is born
  • Freedom to do what ‘feels right’ for you during labor
  • The option of being mobile, as desired
  • The ability to follow your body’s wisdom regarding food
  • Low-intensity and warm lighting
  • Music (if desired)
  • Access to a birthing tub


Additionally, you can have:

  • Control over who attends your birth
  • Exclusive bonding and attachment with your baby immediately following the birth (including delayed cord clamping)

To ensure your and your baby’s safety, we provide:

  • Alert and continuous monitoring to allow for immediate transport to emergency care (if needed)
  • Quick access to a nearby hospital (if needed,) accompanied by your midwife