Monthly Archives: November 2015

Baby Henry

Baby boy Henry was born on Nov 3, 2015. He was welcomed by his parents, Brandi and Oliver. Henry was born in the Aurora Room. Big brother, Covington, was also born at the AFH&BC. Erin, Dana, and Hanna were present for the birth. Congratulations! Continue reading

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Baby Annalise

Baby girl Annalise was born Oct 31, 2015 at 1:09 am. She was by her parents, Samantha and Charles. They were thrilled to meet the newest addition to the family. Annalise weighed 8 lb 8 oz. Julie and Cori were present for the birth. Congratulations!
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Baby Joseph

Little Joseph was born at home on Oct 29, 2015 at 8:05 am in the water. His parents, Elizabeth and Chet, were so happy to welcome their third baby into the family. Older siblings, Rose and Dominic, were also there to welcome him. Joseph weighed in at 8 lb even. Cori, Julie, and Kluane attended the birth. It was Kluaneā€™s first home birth. This is their third baby born with AFH&BC. Congratulations! Continue reading

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