Planning a Pregnancy

Are you planning to become pregnant in the near future?  Congratulations on giving thought to this most important life decision.

We would be happy to talk with you about ways you (and your partner) can enhance your health and prepare for the pregnancy.  This can include nutritional counseling, reviewing supplements and medications, as well as discussing any concerns about your medical or family history.  We can also provide information about your cycle and ways to monitor and enhance your fertility and likelihood of conception.


One Response to Planning a Pregnancy

  1. Catherine says:

    Hi :) I’m Catherine
    I had my second child a beautiful girl 9 months ago. My second pregnancy happened four months after my son was born. Both pregnancies were a surprise! I’m very conflicted as to when I should have my third baby. I want one now but I am advised to wait by family and close loved ones. I want one now because I want my children to be close in age. It is important to me that my third child wouldn’t be left out and feel alone. I feel like if I wait for years to get pregnant again I will NEED to have a forth so the third won’t be alone… That’s not really ideal to me. I think I’m ready but people tell me to wait then I change my mind. I’m confused and would appreciate advise on this matter.

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