Our Purpose, Values and Strategic Goals
Our core purpose:
We transform families through the experience of birth.
Our core values:
We nurture and empower women in pregnancy through childbirth with Christ-centered caring.
Long-term, 10-year goal:
AFH&BC will have a sustainable, accessible, state-of-the-art, midwifery-based birth center providing birth services to 20% of the babies born in the interior of Alaska.
Mid-term, 5-year goal:
AFH&BC will achieve “Phase 1″ of its long-term goal by securing its own property and facility housing a minimum of 4 birthing rooms and staffing a minimum of 3 full-time midwives. We will increase the percentage of births and families we serve in Fairbanks from 10% to 15%.
Board Members
Jenny Cross
Rachel Pleasants
Jerry Colp
Dawn Tozier
Erin Floyd
Ariena Jensen
- Jerry Colp, President
- Rachel Pleasants, Vice President
- Erin Floyd, Treasurer
- Jenny Cross
- Ariena Jensen
- Jacquie Makinen*
- Robert Makinen*
- Dawn Tozier
* Jacquie and Robert Makinen share a seat on the board.