Newest Blessings

After a long wait and gleam of hope we welcome to the community of Fairbanks the newest arrivals to our joyous days. For the past few months we have worked hard to ensure the opportunity to be apart of these lovely births. We ask that you all come in celebration to these wonderful families as they start a new life with their bouncing babies.

August seems to be a very popular month

Wendy and Christopher welcomed Azariah August 13 early this morning.

Grace and Januarius welcomed Ethan August 10th in the early afternoon.

Leslie and Jason welcomed Cormac August 6th in the late hours of the night.

April and Jaron started the month for us with the welcoming of Lincoln in the wee hours of the morning of August 6th.

April Births

Eva and Jeremy welcomed Calvin April 24th in the midnight hour of the night.

Ana and Blake welcomed Emil April 19th 2021 in the early hours of the morning.

Jenna and David welcomed Celia April 13th in the late hours of the night.

Hannah and William welcomed Chloe April 12th in the late evening.

Brienne and Isreal welcomed Joab April 11th 2021 in the lateness of the night.