Welcome Alivia!

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Beautiful Alivia came into this world in a hurry. While her midwives awaited her and her parents at the birth center and her daddy was out loading up the car, this little girl decided to make her appearance early before her mom could walk out of the house! Mother and baby did amazing and we are all so happy to welcome her. She was born on May 5th 2019 at 10:20pm. She weighed 8 pounds 7 ounces. Congratulations to her parents Elizabeth and Buddy!

Welcome Liam!

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We are so happy to join April and Jaron in welcoming their son Liam into the world. He was born in a lovely water birth in the lake room. His arrival was on April 12th 2019 and he weighed 6 pounds 12 ounces. Congratulations!

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Welcome Avery!


Kara and Cameron are pleased to announce the birth of their son Avery Lumir! 

His birthday was May 10, at 11:37 PM and he weighed 9lb 12oz. 

He was born in the Fireweed room and we are in awe of the strength of this couple during the birth of their son.


Getting weighed at the birth center! 9 pounds 12 ounces!

Getting weighed at the birth center! 9 pounds 12 ounces!



Ami and Buck are happy to announce the birth of their son! 

He was born on April 30 at 10:40AM. He weighed 7lb 15oz

This is their 3rd baby here with us at the birth center and we could not be more excited for them!
