Dear Families and Community: A Letter from Dana

April 23, 2020

Dear Families and Community,

I would like to thank all of our past and present clients, families, and community members who have made Alaska Family Health & Birth Center a success for the past 3 decades.  I am really grateful for the input you all have given that shaped the type of care we have been able to offer.  It has been my pleasure to serve as the Executive Director since 1993 and especially as a midwife to our amazing moms and families. It is now time for me to retire and spend time with my family and pursue other interests.  This is a really bittersweet and heartfelt decision for me but I am looking forward to the adventures to come!  Although I will be leaving Alaska, probably in July (depending on the current situation), it will always have a place in my heart.  I will always love, cherish, and appreciate all of you forever!

With Love and Gratitude,

Dana Brown

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