New Web site

Posted by Jon Bourne on January 22, 2008 at 11:44 pm in Uncategorized.

We have a new Web site.

11 Responses to “New Web site”

  1. Vanessa Dunham says:

    This is exciting!! What a beautiful website.

  2. Vanessa says:

    We would like to post a flyer for the benefit on April 12th. How do we do that?

  3. rebecca heise says:

    Does your web site have any pictures? If so, I have not been able to access them.

    Rebecca Heise

  4. Suzanne says:

    I am very interested in midwifery training, and have taken just one doula workshop down in TX, but hope to possibly get certified this year as a doula. Your website mentions that you are looking to train birth attendants to assist midwives. Do you mean midwifery apprentice by that, or doula type assisting. I left Alaska a year ago, and hope to be back there by next summer of 2009. I am currently also finishing up my prerequisites for a nursing program. I would love to hear back from you about possibly getting training at your center in the future as a birth attendant and then midwife. Thank you!

    Suzanne Chunn

  5. jessica aldabe says:

    Hello ladies…Just wanted to say hello and let you all know that we miss you! Hope your summer is going well and that the plans for the new birth center are going smoothly for you! hope to see you soon!

    Jessica Aldabe

  6. Cheryl Corrick says:

    It’s awesome to be able to hear from the public. Hi Jessica! Thanks for your note. Suzanne - please get ahold of us just before or when you get back to Alaska and we can let you when the next birth assistant trainings are.

  7. BeckyRivera says:
  8. jessica aldabe says:

    Congratulations and best wishes to Jamie and her family!

    From her friends, The Aldabe Clan

  9. Katie Garrity says:

    I wanted to e-mail you the information about the “Orgasmic Birth” movie screening. I do have a personal use copy of the movie if you would like to watch it. The web-site is: I would really like to do a screening this winter, if possible. I am still talking to the University about sponsorship to be able to use a space without it costing a fortune. If you have any other ideas of spaces to use, let me know. It is an absolutely incredible movie.

  10. Holly Grotke says:

    Nice website! I was looking for contact information to send you an email. Seems as if I always get on the ball on your day off! I will soon be well acquainted with your answering service. :)

  11. Trista says:

    If the birth center wants to do any movie screenings,lectures, ect, it might be wise to get in touch with the UAF Women’s Center, and see if they are interested in ‘hosting’ it- any UAF club can get free use of space, projectors, ect. if they are hosting an event.

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