Discussion > Back to Basics

# jessica aldabe says:
April 2nd, 2009 at 2:08 pm

Hello ladies, I have some great and exciting things going on that I would like to share with you. John and I have started up a non-profit organization called ” The Back to Basics Breast Feeding Tent ” We will set it up for the first time at the Midnight Sun Festival on June 21st. Reserved spaces 254 and 256. We will be a family centered tent where festival goers can come on in and take a load off, breast feed, tend to children or get a glass of water. We will also showcase information about natural childbirth and the birthing center. The Back to Basics Tent is made to empower families, allow women to share stories, and to share knowledge. We will also be accepting donations for children in need. I will be by as soon as I can to pick up some brochures from you to advertise the new birth center. I’ll get it all together before june 21st. If anyone reads this and would like to get involved call me. 907-488-1274

August 8, 2009 | Jessica Aldabe