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What is a CDM?

Certified Direct-Entry Midwives (CDMs) are licenced experts in natural childbirth who monitor
the physical, psychological and social well-being of the mother throughout the childbearing cycle.

Are Alaska's CDMs licenced?

Yes. CDMs are licenced by a state regulatory board that sets the standards for CDM education,
apprenticeship, examination, and ongoing review. The Board of Direct-Entry Midwives consists
of two CDMs, one nurse-midwife, one MD with an obstetrical practice and one public member.

What does a CDM offer to expecting mothers?

A CDM offers individualized education and couseling, pre-natal care, continuous hands-on
assistance during labor and delivery, post-partum support, and help with newborn care.

What are the benefits of delivering your baby with
a CDM at home or in a midwifery birth center?

A CDM home or birth center delivery maximizes the potential for the physical and psychological
health of the mother and the newborn; it supports maternal and family bonding; and,
it facilitates a successful breastfeeding experience.

What does the word "midwife" mean?

Midwife means "with woman." CDMs work in partnership with childbearing women, helping them
claim the responsibility for decision-making with regard to themselves and their babies. They are
able to help women avoid the use of routine obstetric interventions such as labor induction,
IVs, anesthetics and episiotomies.

How can using a midwife result in a considerable cost savings?

CDM services are among the most affordable professional services available for Alaska's childbearing
families and are covered by medical insurance. Because cesarian section rates are extremely low
with Alaskan CDMs, and because the mother and babies are statistically very healthy, there are
many long-term savings associated with the CDM model of maternity care.


Updated 03/10/04